Verdant Dwellings Healthy Happy Plants- Succulent Senecio
Green ‘String of Pearls’
Some plants are harder to get right than others, and the Succulent Senecio seem to be that plant for many people. Often mistaken as a hard plant or a ‘temporary’ plant that won’t grow in a home setting, they do have specific needs, but once those needs are met, they are extremely easy!
Variegated String of Pearls
Senecio are a range of plants under the family Asteraceae that includes ragworts and groundsels and are related to the Daisy. The Succulent Senecio have plump succulent leaves that hold water, and although they flower, are known for their foliage. First, let’s have a look at the common Senecio plants that fall into this category.
String of Dolphins
The most well known Succulent Senecio is the Rowleyanus or ‘String of Pearls’. This plant grows long strings with small ball shaped leaves, and will flower prolifically around Spring and Summer. It is most commonly seen in all green but also comes in a variegated form with the ‘pearls’ having some white colouring as well as green. When exposed to direct sun the pearls can develop a purple tinge.
Senecio Peregrinus, commonly known as the ‘Sting of Dolphins’, has become very popular with its leaping dolphin shaped leaves. It also grows in strings and comes in green, flowering prolifically around Spring and Summer. Like the Pearls, the Dolphins will develop a purple tinge if in direct sun.
“The real key to these plants however is light. They love it and they need it to grow as if it is not enough, they will rot away.”
The Senecio Radicans ‘String of Beans’ or ‘String of Bananas’ has strings that grow long, plump, curved leaves. They resemble green bananas or beans, hence the name, and can come with green stems or red. Both grow in the same way with only the stem colour differentiating them.
The Senecio Herreianus or ‘String of Tears’ is less common and has an elongated shape. Sometimes the String of Pearls can produce longer tear shaped leaves, especially the immature pearls, and it can be mistaken for the String of Tears. However as the Pearls develop they become more spherical, whereas the tears maintain an elongated shape as they develop.
String of Beans
All of these varieties have one thing in common however and that is their care. The most common mistake is that they don’t like water. As a succulent that holds water in the leaves, they can go for long periods without water. They will start to shrink back on themselves and end up looking like a deflated balloon. When watered regularly they plump up with the moisture and the Pearls, Beans and Tears will develop a clear stripe like a window into the leaf. When in the correct position, they can therefore be regularly watered and will thrive, becoming plump and flowering often.
Succulent Senecio Flower
The real key to these plants however is light. They love it and they need it to grow as if it is not enough, they will rot away. Many believe this rotting to be water related, however, if in a sunny position, they can be watered often without issue. A light filled position can obviously be different to everyone and sometimes we will feel a position is light enough and wonder what is causing the issue. It is the plant telling you, despite what we think, it’s not enough light. Verdant Dwellings therefore always suggest a direct sun position indoors, such as a morning sun window, or a sheltered outdoor position such as a North or South facing veranda. No matter how bright we think the position, if rotting starts to occur, it’s not bright enough. As long as there is no frost, outside is an easy option to help your Succulent Senecio thrive, and will bring back plants that have started rotting. The strings will root into soil meaning, after cleaning out any rotting material, laying the strings over soil will allow them to root and produce more strings. Once this correct spot is found, regular watering and feeding keeps the leaves plump and shiny and they will grow very quickly in the warmer months. Succulent Senecio can be moist, but not soggy, all the time and if they are looking shrunken, it’s time for a top up. They will require more water in warmer environments, and as they grow longer and larger.
So now you know the Verdant Dwellings key to healthy, happy Succulent Senecio is light! Get this right and you will be rewarded with a waterfall of green, plump leaves in many shapes and sizes.
Happy Growing!